meet Peter

  • Peter

    Peter is into all things esoteric, the more rare, the better. He’s passionate about jazz when there’s a bagpipe, bass flute, and Japanese Koto involved in the same piece of music. He’s happy to chill with an old philosophy book on his own in his apartment on his favorite vegan leather chair. When he’s with friends he loves deep discussions about art films.

    He wears his heart on his belly so that only means one thing…he likes food. Locally sourced including plant-based burgers with cashew cheese, Brussels sprouts, beef jerky, french fries, and chocolate cupcakes with birdseed sprinkles are top choices.

    First thing in the morning, Peter can be found at The Beak and Peck Bookstore and Coffeeshop drinking an espresso. If he had a car, it would be a Prius but we all know that birds don’t drive.

    He’s Uncle Peter to Iris. Don’t tell his friends because he would be mortified for them to know but…his alter ego is the fun uncle who loves to eat cotton candy, spoil his niece, and spend the day at the amusement park while being as goofy as possible.

Where Peter can be found (aside from his vegan leather chair and the "Cinema"):

If you like Peter, you might also like his niece, Iris. She may not be quite so "cool" but she's 7 years old and would far rather live in the moment and have fun. You can learn about Iris here: