meet Literary Lillian


  • Illustration with a purple bird wearing a beige hat with a flower coming out of it. The bird is walkng with a grey book under it's wing.
  • Literary Lillian

    Lillian’s favorite way to spend her day includes her beak stuck in a good literary fiction book and a nice cuppa. Her guilty reading pleasures are children’s books like  Lord of the Wings, Are You There Bird? It’s Me, Magpie, and The Mysterious Journey of Mr. Edward McBeak. Lillian’s favorite word is…wait for it… alliteration.

    It’s probably no surprise that Lillian is the owner (and pretty much everything else) at The Beak and Peck Bookstore and Coffeehouse. She’s known for being as comforting and comfortable as a “warm hug” according to the birdlets who grow up going to her storytime over the years.

If you don't find Lillian behind the counter at The Beak and Peck Bookstore and Coffee Shop or with her beak in a book, she can be found here:

Literary Lillian's honey, Herman, can be found here: